Benazir Kafaalat 13500/-
Online procedures have been introduced for the distribution of Benazir Kafaalat 13500. Work is underway to provide the amount of Phase II of the Kafaalat program online from January 2025. Those women who are regularly receiving money by registering themselves will be ensured the distribution of money through the online method.
The process of distributing money has not been released yet and women are receiving money by completing their biometric verification process. To receive money through the online method, it will be explained in the article today how you can get a new installment of Benazir Kafaalat 13500. In addition, the registration process for new women has also been launched. Get yourself registered and be a part of the upcoming installment of 13500.
Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Payment Distribution Process
Procedures will be introduced to get online money in the Benazir Kafaalat 13500 program. You will be able to get BISP money through your account at Bank Al-Falah Al-Habib from home. In addition, the distribution of money will also be ensured through mobile accounts like Jazkash and Easypaisa. Women will not need to go through finger verification and BISP offices.
Women will get their money information through SMS from home and will be able to get 13500 from any of their nearby ATMs or with the help of their JazzCash Easypaisa mobile account. Below are the complete details of how to get money through ATMs and connect your legitimate Cash Easypaisa account to BISP. Follow these steps and transfer your payment online so that the money you receive can be transferred to your account regularly and you can get your new installment of 13500 without any difficulty.
13500 Payment Distribution Through ATM
The new installment of Benazir Kafaalat 13500 will be distributed through an ATM. For the distribution of money through ATM, BISP cards will be provided to the registered women or their BISP account will be connected to the respective Bank Al-Falah or Al-Habib. After every three months, an amount of 13500 will also be transferred to this account. She will be able to get her money from her nearest Bank Al-Falah and Bank Al-Habib ATM. The method of getting money from the bank is as follows:
- Register your account in Bank Al-Falah or Al-Habib
- Register a SIM in your name
- On which your account is registered
- Connect your BISP account to your SIM and ATM
- Get your BISP card by providing the necessary documents
- Using a BISP card, you will be able to get a Kafaalat installment of 13500 from an ATM
How To Get 13500 JazzCash & EasyPaisa
If you want to get your money from Easypaisa and JazzCash Easy Account mobile account, then you have to link your JazzCash and Easypaisa account to your PISP account. After that, your money will be transferred to your BISP account. You will be able to get your sponsorship and a new installment of 13500 from any retailer by transferring it to your selected JazzCash and Easypaisa accounts.
For this, it is necessary that a SIM is registered in your name and there is a JazzCash and Easypaisa on it. Only if you have linked your BISP account to JazzCash Easypaisa account, you will be able to get your new installment of 13500 from JazzCash and Easypaisa accounts. Apart from this, if you do not connect your SIM to any account, then you will be provided with the distribution of money through finger verification.

Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Increased Latest Update
According to the latest update of the Benazir Kafaalat 13500 program, the amount of 10500 has been increased. Pre-registered women will be able to get an amount of 13500. It should be remembered that the amount of 13500 does not include any deduction. The entire installment of 13500 will be transferred to your account and you will be able to get the full amount without any deduction.
If there are any problems with your amount, you can also ensure that you get the money through the process of finger verification. You can use any preferred means for the distribution of the money. Those women who belong to remote areas should definitely use the online method for the distribution of their money so that they can be relieved of the embarrassment of going on a long journey.
For More Information: Kafaalat Registration Confirmation SMS
The Benazir Kafaalat 13500 is funded by BISP. The new installment of Kafaalat 13500 aims to empower women so that they can get rid of their financial problems and focus on taking care of their children. The program aims to eradicate poverty.
The budget for BISP Kafaalat has been increased. Instead of the installment of 10500, women will now be able to get an amount of 13500. With the increase in the budget, the BISP system is also being updated. Online registration and disbursement process is being provided for women. Register now so that you can get the full benefit of the support of the BISP program.