Benazir Kafaalat Program (Phase 2) New Payment 10500 Start By 8171 BISP Office

A new 10500 Benazir Kafaalat Program payment has been announced for poor people living in Pakistan. As you know, the Benazir Income Support Program runs a Kafaalat program every three to four months for eligible people. Under this program, money is given to poor people to help them meet some of their daily needs. This new phase has said to start soon, and we will inform you all about it. Read all the paragraphs carefully to learn more.

8171 Benazir Kafaalat Program New Payment 10500

The new 10500 BISP 8171 payment program is straightforward. You must be eligible for the BISP program to get this payment. Benazir Income Support helps the poor and needy by providing installments every three to four months to meet their daily living needs.

To receive this installment, visit your nearest BISP office or withdraw it from your account. You can also get this installment from Bank Al-Falah and several other banks. These banks provide the money quickly. If you are not currently eligible for the program, you can still apply and qualify to receive this installment. The process will explained in detail.

Check CNIC For 10500 New Payment

The BISP program has announced a new payment of 10500 BISP, but the specific date has yet to be announced. You can check your eligibility for this program by visiting the BISP web portal or by SMS.

8171 SMS Serves

To determine your eligibility for this program, send your ID card number via SMS to the 8171 code. To avoid confusion, remember to send the message to 8171 only, not to any other code.

8171 New Web Portal

Visit the BISP site on your mobile, enter your ID card number, and enter the 4-digit capta code given in the registration form. Click “Check Now.” You will then informed whether you are eligible for this program.

New Eligibility Criteria For 10500 New Payment

Many poor people do not qualify for the BISP program for various reasons, such as not completing thumb identification or not submitting their application on time. The great news is that you can still qualify for this new payment 10500. Here are the new Eligibility criteria:

  • PMT rating should be less than 30
  • No involvement in illegal activities such as bullying or theft
  • No private home ownership
  • The bank balance should less than 60000
  • No ownership of land or residential area
  • Not holding any government job

Documents Verification For Benazir Kafaalat Program

To be part of this Benazir Kafaalat program, you must meet the above criteria. Visit a district office near you with all your documents. Bring your ID card, children’s forms, and other verified documents. Submit them here and write an application. 

Documents Verification For Benazir Kafaalat Program

They will verify your information thoroughly. Once verified, you will be notified of your eligibility for the Benazir Kafaalat program, and you can then access your account to receive the money.

For More Information: Benazir Kafaalat Program Check Account Balance


The Benazir Income Support Program has announced a new payment of 10500 for needy and poor people, with the date yet fixed. The good news for those not already in the program is that they can now qualify for this new payment. 

You can check your eligibility by sending your ID card number to 8171 through SMS or visiting the BISP web portal. Then, follow the steps to access the BISP 10500 payment program and receive the financial support you need.

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