BISP Kafaalat UpComing Payment
The latest update of the new story of the BISP Kafalat program has come. If the case is not in the sponsorship program now, 13500 will be started in January. This installment will be given to those women who are registered or will complete their registration process before January 2025.
In this article you will be provided with the complete procedure to get your new installment of 13500, and how you can get your 13500 using ATM, JazzCash, and EasyPaisa account. The early launch procedure of the Benazir Income Support Program is very easy. With the help of this, you will be able to get money through digital methods with eligibility and registration sitting at home. Read the article carefully to get accurate and complete details.
How To Get New Payment By ATM
It is very easy to get your money through an ATM. This practice was also launched earlier but due to the beneficiaries not having the best opportunities, the funds were again shifted to finger verification. Now in early 2025, the online procedure for the disbursement of money is being re-launched as now ATMs legitimate cash-wise money facilities are available everywhere across Pakistan.
Users can get their new installments as well. To get your money through an ATM, you have to register a SIM and ATM in your name. After connecting this ATM to your BISP program, you will be able to transfer funds from your BISP account to the ATM for each new installment. You will not have to pay any additional deduction, all deductions and taxes will be borne by the government of Pakistan, so your installment of 13500 will be delivered to you safely.
Receive Your Payment By JazzCash
You also have to go through an easy procedure to get your money through JazzCash. After that, your valid cash account will be connected with BISP. After which you will be able to get the new episode of the BISP program. When the amount is transferred to your BISP account, you automatically withdraw it from authorized Jazzcash. For this follow the above steps:
- Get a Jazz SIM registered in your name
- Create your legitimate cash account on it
- Connect JazzCash account with BISP account
- Once the money is transferred to the same account, you will be able to withdraw funds from your connected Jazzcash account.
Use EasyPaisa To Get 13500
13500 can also get help from the EasyPaisa account. EasyPaisa Account is compatible with JazzCash BSP accounts. In the same way, by verifying your Jazz Cash account, they link it to the account. Similarly, you will link your EasyPaisa account with your BISP account and get the complete details of the amount with the help of your EasyPaisa account as soon as the new installment is transferred to your BISP account.
will be You will be able to get the full amount by going to any of your nearest easy paisa retailers. Remember that no deduction will be made in the new Payment. You will be able to get a full installment of 13500.

BISP Registration And Payment Distribution Latest Update
New registration and distribution of money for the first kind of sponsorship 13500 will be started before the year 2025. By registering 7 lakh new families in December, the number of women registered in the BISP program will be significantly increased.
With the increase in the budget of the BISP program, the women registered under the inflation will be provided with an installment of 13500 instead of the new installment of 10500. Remember that the full installment of 13500 will be transferred to your account. No deduction of any kind will be applicable in this.
You May Love To Read: Benazir Kafaalat 10500 Distribution
Benazir Kafalat Program is introducing new methods for financial and mental support to its users. With the growing digital world, digital methods are being introduced to distribute money in the program.
With the help of these procedures, registered families will be able to receive their installments at home and all those families who meet the eligibility criteria will complete their registration process. After getting the eligibility details you will get the money sitting at home. To get money, you can ensure money collection with the help of six banks besides ATMs, JazzCash, and Easy Paisa accounts.\